Over the past couple of years, social media has been rewarding for some and destructive for others. Revolutions, political awareness, company or self-marketing - its impact has touched almost everyone around the world.
Due to extreme climate change, it has become very important to stay in touch with your loved ones. Every now and then you hear about storms, hurricanes & earthquakes happening all around the world. This is where Social Media can be a powerful tool to help you and your community.
While other conventional communication methods stop functioning during disasters, social media or networking devices stay pretty much active. Due to power outages, TV & phone lines do not work. As it’s such a crucial time for the victims of natural disaster, every small information is important. The best thing you can do is follow your local police, fire & emergency departments to get the latest updates
There are several examples where you can see the power of social media during disaster management.
A powerful picture of an old lady in a nursing room submerged in flood water posted on social media forums captured the attention of America and a successful rescue was carried out. Airbnb offered its Open Home Program after the California Fire which offered people a roof during difficult times. Participating in tweets & retweets, while using the right hashtag on twitter gets the attention of your police, fire or rescue department.
In 2017 Facebook launched Disaster Maps, where aid workers with real-time visualizations can decide how to proceed with rescue efforts and reach maximum people. Make sure your location settings are turned on. Facebook has also created a feature where you can mark yourself “SAFE” during a dangerous event near your district.
You can also post Geo-tagged photos on Instagram showing the impact of the disaster in your area. It helps the NGOs and rescue workers to reach your area faster.
Social Media is a simple tool that can be used in various ways during natural disasters.
Be smart, Be safe.